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Gorkwa Games

Client Location Story Prerequisites Gold Exp Rewards
Troylan Ma-non Ship 7 Dead Men Tell No Tales 18000 290 >Fig: Dyads II Series


Talk to Lulladu and choose "Offer Job"; Collect 1 Hi-Spec Sensor Module and 1 Hulking Incisor; Deliver them to Lulladu; Talk to Troylan; Head to Lulladu's shop; Head to White Phosphor Lake in Cauldros; Talk to Troylan


An easy Hi-Spec Sensor Module drop is from the lone Assault Barrager Zig south of 416, and easy Hulking Incisors from Mesgen at Syram Lake's east bank(break the face).

Built by ζƒ…δΊ‹ζ•